Hi there, I’m Shanae Brooks!

I'm a Front End Web Developer who creates interactive & aesthetically-pleasing websites in Columbus, OH.


Sticky Note Project

Sticky Notes App

Greenfield project creating a Sticky Notes web app. Uses multiple components to build the classic sticky note UI with the ability to add, edit, delete and search for notes.

Skills: React, JSX, Components

Tools: CodeSandbox, Props, State

live page
GitHub Repo Gallery

GitHub Repo Gallery

Uses GitHub's API to pull data from my GitHub portfolio to create a gallery of repos. Visitors to the site can click on the repos to see more details and a link to the repo.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: REST API, GitHub Pages

live page
Guess the Word Game

Guess the Word Game

Players guess the word by entering one letter at a time. If the player guesses all the letters correctly before they use up their allotted guesses, they win!

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: GitHub Pages, JSON

live page
Unplugged Site


A multi-page responsive website coded with Flexbox. This versatile design has several sections, including a Cards design pattern, that can be repurposed for different sites.

Skills: HTML, CSS, Flexbox

Tools: Chrome DevTools, GitHub Pages

live page
Rogue Pickings site

Rogue Pickings

A simple home page perfect for a pop-up restaurant or food truck. Originally a static website, I converted it into a responsive design using Flexbox.

Skills: HTML, CSS, Flexbox

Tools: Chrome DevTools, GitHub Pages

live page


Developer Skills




Responsive web development


Git & GitHub


Media Queries



CSS Grid

Tech Stack

Chrome DevTools

GitHub Pages


selfie photo

Hi! I’m Shanae Brooks.

I'm a Front End Web Developer with a passion for creating engaging, user-friendly websites.

I've had a lifelong fascination with technology, starting from the days of coding flashy GIFs on my MySpace page to my very first computer programming class in college. When the COVID pandemic hit, I yearned to acquire a new skill — one that could serve as a creative outlet and simultaneously boost my career prospects. After more than six years in the manufacturing industry, where I honed my customer service, communication, and problem-solving skills, I am now inspired to transition into the tech field. When I'm not coding, I enjoy traveling, going to concerts and spending time with my friends.

Looking forward to working with you!